
Abuello 墨西哥美食最近常常週末都會去外面吃一次飯 每次我們都試著嘗試不同的餐廳 今天雪下的很大 我們住在這裡已經習慣了這樣的天氣 還是跑出去了Recently on the weekend we always go out to eat. We tried to go to different restaurant, so we do not eat chinese food all the time. It is snowing hard today, but we are used to this kind of weather, so it does not stop us from going out. 這家是墨西哥菜 裡面裝飾的很有南美州的感覺 This is a Mexican restaurant. The decoration is very southern American feelingThere is a statue in the middle. I did not study who that is中間有一座人像 不過我沒有研究這是誰這個天窗做的像天上的雲一樣The ceiling windows made to look like clouds很華麗的燈Very luxery looking light fixture有一個吧台There is a bar很有意思的壁畫 ㄟ 哪家的孩子睡的那麼熟 真可愛The wall painting is very color. Whose baby is that? He is in such deep sleep, so cute老是裝深思的樣子Alway pretends that he is thinking先來薄片 這裡的墨西哥餐廳都會上這個 沾辣醬或是不辣的蕃茄做的醬They always have chips with salsa. One is spicy and the other is not. 小胖點了調酒Xiao-pang ordered drink有酒為歡As soon as xiao-pang has the drink, he starts smiling big我也不能讓他獨享I cannot let him enjoy it by himself. 看我喝的那麼快 像酒鬼似的 沒有啦 這是吃飽後照的 Look like me drinking it so fast like an alcoholic. is not what it seems, this picture is taken after dinner小胖點的肉釀青椒茄子 有點忘記是什麼味道 不過記得挺好吃的Xiao-pang ordered stuffed pepper. I don't remember what it tastes like, but I think it was pretty good我點的是奶油雞 感覺不太像墨西哥菜 比較像義大利菜 還不錯 我不喜歡吃大豆 墨西哥都會附大豆 這個大豆裡有培根 所以還可以I ordered creamy chicken. It does not really taste like Mexican food, but more like Italian Mexican. I don't like the beans, but they added bacon in there, so it tastes better小胖很愛吃墨西哥菜 唉 應該說他什麼都愛吃Xiao-pang loves Mexican food. Sigh, I should say that he loves everything that he could put in his mouth甜點是小胖說要點的像布丁一樣的 我說這很像我們的統一布丁 他還很吃驚說你們有這麼好吃的零食? 其實這個比統一布丁好吃啦 不過很像The desert is flan. I said that this is like one of the Taiwanese snack we have, the pudding. He was so shocked and said you guys have something so delicious? Well, it is not exactly the same, very similiar.

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